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Create a Windows UI Application Manually

  • 8 minutes to read

This document explains how to build a Windows Modern UI application manually. To create an application with the DevExpress Template Gallery, see the How To: Create a Windows Modern UI Application Using the Template Gallery document.

  1. In Visual Studio, click “File | New | Project” (or press CTRL+SHIFT+N) to create a new project. Select “DevExpress Template Gallery” and click OK.

    OfficeInspiredUI - New Solution Gallery

  2. Choose the “Blank Application” template and click “Create Project”.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - Blank App Template

  3. Invoke the smart tag and click “Convert To Skinnable Form” to change a regular form into an XtraForm.

    ILA - Form Smarttag

  4. In the same smart tag pane, click “Select Skin…” to add a DefaultLookAndFeel component and choose the required DevExpress skin. For a Windows Modern UI, choose a flat skin with a light appearance and thin or no borders (for example, Office 2013, Office 2016, Metropolis, etc.).

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - Select Skin

  5. Set the form’s FormBorderStyle property to None and the WindowState property to Maximized.
  6. Click the “Instant Layout Assistant” link on the form to launch the on-form wizard. Hover over all side regions and click “Remove Area”. In the remaining empty area, click “Add Control” and select “App UI Manager | Windows UI”. Next, click the apply button to add the DocumentManager component with the WindowsUIView applied.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - ILA

  7. Right-click the project in the Solution Explorer window and select “Add DevExpress Item | User Control…”.

    TemplateGallery - Add New Item

  8. Add a few more user controls and populate them. These user controls will be presented as separate application screens.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - Sample UC

  9. Return to the main application form, invoke the DocumentManager component’s smart tag, and click “Run Designer”. Switch to the Designer‘s “Elements | Documents” tab and click “Populate”.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - Populate

    Once you click “Populate”, the Document Manager will generate the following:

    • Document objects that refer to your user controls by BaseDocument.ControlName and BaseDocument.ControlTypeName properties;
    • medium-sized tiles (Tile objects) for generated documents;
    • a Tile Container to store and display tiles;
    • the BaseView.QueryControl event handler, which initializes documents.

      void windowsUIView1_QueryControl(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.Views.QueryControlEventArgs e) { 
          if (e.Document == ucSample1Document) 
              e.Control = new WinModernUI.ucSample1(); 
          if (e.Document == ucSample2Document) 
              e.Control = new WinModernUI.ucSample2(); 
          // . . . 
          if (e.Control == null) 
              e.Control = new System.Windows.Forms.Control(); 
  10. Run and review your application. On application start-up, an auto generated Tile Control populated with tiles is displayed. Press Esc or right-click the empty form space to invoke Navigation Bars with an embedded “Exit” button.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - Tiles 1st Run

    Tiles utilize the Tile.Document property to link to the corresponding document. When a tile is clicked, a dynamically generated Page container displays the document with an embedded ”Back” button. Same button is displayed within navigation bars.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - Documents 1st Run

  11. Close the application to modify it. First, use the WindowsUIView.Caption, BaseContentContainer.Caption and BaseContentContainer.Subtitle propertiesto add application title strings. Also, use the BaseDocument.Caption property to modify auto generated document captions.


    Initially, you will not see the WindowsUIView.Caption string since the tile container caption will overlap it. This title will be visible, however, in content container headers, which you will create later in this tutorial.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - Captions

  12. Go to the designer‘s “Elements” page and select the “Content Containers” tab. Click “Add New Container” and select Page Group from the drop-down menu.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - Add Page Group

  13. Switch to the designer’s “Layout | Navigation Tree” tab and drag your documents into the page group’s “Items” collection.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - Populate Page Group

  14. In the same “Layout | Navigation Tree” designer tab, drag the page group to the tile container’s “ActivationTarget” node, which assigns the page group to the tile container’s TileContainer.ActivationTarget property. Note that the page group is activated when a tile within the container is clicked.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - Activation Target

  15. Run the app to see what has changed. Clicking tiles now leads you to the page group. Besides, the page group automatically activates a document related to a clicked tile, so there is no need to explicitly set the activation target for each individual tile. The page group header displays the View caption (the WindowsUIView.Caption property) and shows the embedded “Back” button - now end-users can navigate back to the start-up page without invoking the Navigation Bars. Run the app to see the changes. When you click a tile, you navigate to the page group, which automatically activates the tile’s corresponding document – so there is no need to explicitly set the activation target for each tile. The page group header displays the View caption (the WindowsUIView.Caption property) and an embedded ”Back” button - for end-users to navigate back to the start-up page without a Navigation Bars.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - PageGroup runtime

    To replace the header string, specify the BaseContentContainer.Caption property for the page group container. You can also set document BaseDocument.Header properties to modify text within page headers.

  16. All application documents are auto generated. Next, in the designer’s ”Elements | Documents” tab, click ”Add New Document” to add a document manually. A tile corresponding to the document is added automatically.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - Add Documents

  17. Since the additional documents have no content, an attempt to display one of these documents will throw an exception. The BaseView.QueryControl event uses the Deferred Load feature to dynamically populate empty documents, which can improve application performance significantly. The QueryControl event was already handled at step 9, so you only need to add a few more code lines.

    void windowsUIView1_QueryControl(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.Docking2010.Views.QueryControlEventArgs e) { 
        //. . . 
        if (e.Document == document1) 
            e.Control = CreateSampleContent("Manually Created Doc 1", Color.FromArgb(0, 99, 177)); 
        if (e.Document == document2) 
            e.Control = CreateSampleContent("Manually Created Doc 2", Color.FromArgb(231, 72, 86)); 
    public LabelControl CreateSampleContent(string text, Color backcolor) { 
        Font sampleFont = new Font(new FontFamily("Segoe UI Semibold"), 42f); 
        LabelControl lc = new LabelControl() { 
            AutoSizeMode = LabelAutoSizeMode.None, 
            Dock = DockStyle.Fill, 
            BackColor = backcolor, 
            ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(40, 40, 40), 
            Text = text, 
            Font = sampleFont, 
        lc.Appearance.TextOptions.HAlignment = DevExpress.Utils.HorzAlignment.Center; 
        lc.Appearance.TextOptions.VAlignment = DevExpress.Utils.VertAlignment.Center; 
        return lc; 
  18. Another another content container is required to store the new documents. Add a Slide Group container and populate it with items, as explained in steps 12 and 13. (In the “Content Containers” tab, select “SlideGroup” instead of “PageGroup”.)
  19. In the designer’s “Layout | Navigation Tree” tab, drag the slide group into the “Activation Target” node for each new tile. The navigation hierarchy should appear as follows.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - NavTree 2

  20. Run the application to test the current navigation hierarchy. Note that the Tile.ActivationTarget property is not specified for tiles with auto generated documents, so the parent tile container (the page group) is activated instead. The additional tiles will apply their own activation targets as well, which navigate to the slide group.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - SlideGroup

    Click a document header (the BaseDocument.Header property) to view the document in a separate, dynamically generated Page container.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - Page for SlideGroup

  21. Customize your start-up tile container and its tiles as required. Tile container is based on a separate Tile Control and it inherits its base customization concepts.

    The animation below illustrates a customized tile container with sample tiles, populated with templates.

    WindowsInspiredUI - Manual - Customized TC

  22. Complete the application with the following minor modifications.

  23. Congratulations, your Windows Modern UI application is complete. See Application UI Manager for more information about this component and its Views, or the WindowsUI View section for more information on this specific View.