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How to: Export a Document to PDF format

  • 4 minutes to read

Use the RichEditControl.ExportToPdf method to save a document as a PDF file. You can pass a PdfExportOptions class instance to this method to define PDF export options.

View Example: The Rich Text Editor's Common API

The following code sample specifies PDF export options and saves a document in PDF format:

using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit;
using DevExpress.XtraPrinting;

// Load a DOCX document.

// Specify PDF export options.
PdfExportOptions options = new PdfExportOptions();
options.DocumentOptions.Author = "Mark Jones";
options.Compressed = false;
options.ImageQuality = PdfJpegImageQuality.High;

// Export the document to PDF.
richEditControl.ExportToPdf("Output_Document.pdf", options);

#Export a Document to Accessible PDF

You can save a document as a tagged (accessible) PDF document. Accessible PDF formats allow users with disabilities to use screen readers and other assistive technologies to read information from PDF documents.

You can generate PDF files that conform to the following standards:

  • PDF/UA
  • PDF/A-1a
  • PDF/A-2a
  • PDF/A-3a

#Generate PDF/UA Documents

The PDF/UA (Universal Accessibility) standard contains requirements for PDF documents to ensure accessibility and support for assistive technology. Requirements for PDF/UA compliance are consistent with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

Below are some constraints the standard defines for PDF documents:

  • All meaningful content should be tagged and included in the structure tree of document tags. Objects that are not relevant for understanding document content are marked as artifacts (for example, background and decorative images, repeating information in headers and footers, page numbers). You can use the DrawingObject.Decorative property to mark images as decorative.

  • The structure tree generated by document tags must reflect the document’s logical reading order.

  • Information should not be conveyed by visual means alone (for example, contrast, color, or position on the page).

  • All pictorial elements (image objects and other non-text objects such as vector objects or object groups) should have alternative text.

  • All fonts should be embedded.

To generate a document that conforms to the PDF/UA standard, create a PdfExportOptions class instance and set the PdfExportOptions.PdfUACompatibility property to PdfUA1. Pass the class instance to the RichEditControl.ExportToPdf method to save a document as a PDF/UA document.

using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit;
using DevExpress.XtraPrinting;
// ...

// Load a DOCX document.
richEditControl.LoadDocument("Documents\\MovieRentals.docx", DocumentFormat.OpenXml);

// Specify PDF export options.
PdfExportOptions options = new PdfExportOptions();

// Specify document compatibility with the PDF/UA specification.
options.PdfUACompatibility = PdfUACompatibility.PdfUA1;

// Export the document to PDF.
richEditControl.ExportToPdf(@"Documents\Output_Document.pdf", options);

#Generate Accessible PDF/A Documents

PDF/A is an archival PDF format used for long-term preservation of electronic documents. The PDF/A standard includes the following restrictions:

  • All PDF/A versions implicitly prohibit encryption.
  • All fonts that are used in PDF/A documents should be embedded.
  • The PDF/A-1 and PDF/A-2 standards do not support attachments.
  • The PDF/A-1 standard does not support transparency (the alpha channel in images is ignored).

To export a document to a PDF document that supports the PDF/A Conformance Level A (Accessible), create a PdfExportOptions class instance and set the PdfExportOptions.PdfACompatibility property to one of the following values: PdfA1a, PdfA2a, or PdfA3a. Pass the class instance to the RichEditControl.ExportToPdf method to generate a PDF file.

The following code sample saves a DOCX document as a PDF file that conforms to the PDF/A-3a standard:

using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit;
using DevExpress.XtraPrinting;
// ...

// Load a DOCX document.
richEditControl.LoadDocument("Documents\\MovieRentals.docx", DocumentFormat.OpenXml);

// Specify PDF export options.
PdfExportOptions options = new PdfExportOptions();

// Specify document compatibility with the PDF/A-3a specification.
options.PdfACompatibility = PdfACompatibility.PdfA3a;

// Export the document to PDF.
richEditControl.ExportToPdf(@"Documents\Output_Document.pdf", options);

#Generate Accessible PDF Documents in the User Interface

The Rich Text Editor’s UI allows you to save a document as an accessible PDF file. Click the Print Preview button on the File ribbon tab to invoke the Print Preview Dialog.

Invoke the Print Preview Dialog

Click the Export To button and select PDF File.

Export a Word Document to PDF

In the invoked PDF Export Options dialog, expand the PDF/A compatibility or PDF/UA compatibility drop-down list and select an accessible PDF format you want to use.

PDF Export Options Dialog