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How to: Specify the Appearance of the Pie Chart Using Its Pattern at Runtime

  • 4 minutes to read

The following example demonstrates how to specify the appearance of series labels in the Pie chart using its text pattern.

To accomplish this at runtime, it is necessary to handle the Form.Load event and then transform series labels of the Series object to the corresponding labels of the PieSeriesLabel object.

And finally, specify the pattern for series labels using the SeriesLabelBase.TextPattern property.

View Example

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraCharts;

namespace Series_PieChart {
    public partial class Form1 : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm {
        public Form1() {
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
            // Create an empty chart.
            ChartControl pieChart = new ChartControl();

            pieChart.Titles.Add(new ChartTitle() { Text = "Land Area by Country" });

            // Create a pie series.
            Series series1 = new Series("Land Area by Country", ViewType.Pie);

            // Bind the series to data.
            series1.DataSource = DataPoint.GetDataPoints();
            series1.ArgumentDataMember = "Argument";
            series1.ValueDataMembers.AddRange(new string[] { "Value" });

            // Add the series to the chart.

            // Access diagram settings.
            SimpleDiagram diagram = (SimpleDiagram)pieChart.Diagram;
            diagram.Margins.All = 10;

            // Format the the series labels.
            series1.Label.TextPattern = "{VP:p0} ({V:.##}M km²)";

            // Format the series legend items.
            series1.LegendTextPattern = "{A}";

            // Adjust the position of series labels. 
            ((PieSeriesLabel)series1.Label).Position = PieSeriesLabelPosition.TwoColumns;

            // Detect overlapping of series labels.
            ((PieSeriesLabel)series1.Label).ResolveOverlappingMode = ResolveOverlappingMode.Default;

            // Access the view-type-specific options of the series.
            PieSeriesView myView = (PieSeriesView)series1.View;

            // Specify the pie rotation.
            myView.Rotation = -60;

            // Specify a data filter to explode points.
            myView.ExplodedPointsFilters.Add(new SeriesPointFilter(SeriesPointKey.Value_1,
                DataFilterCondition.GreaterThanOrEqual, 9));
            myView.ExplodedPointsFilters.Add(new SeriesPointFilter(SeriesPointKey.Argument,
                DataFilterCondition.NotEqual, "Others"));
            myView.ExplodeMode = PieExplodeMode.UseFilters;
            myView.ExplodedDistancePercentage = 30;
            myView.RuntimeExploding = true;

            // Customize the legend.
            pieChart.Legend.Visibility = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True;

            // Add the chart to the form.
            pieChart.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
    public class DataPoint {
        public string Argument { get; set; }
        public double Value { get; set; }

        public static List<DataPoint> GetDataPoints() {
            return new List<DataPoint> {
                    new DataPoint { Argument = "Russia",    Value = 17.0752},
                    new DataPoint { Argument = "Canada",    Value = 9.98467},
                    new DataPoint { Argument = "USA",       Value = 9.63142},
                    new DataPoint { Argument = "China",     Value = 9.59696},
                    new DataPoint { Argument = "Brazil",    Value = 8.511965},
                    new DataPoint { Argument = "Australia", Value = 7.68685},
                    new DataPoint { Argument = "India",     Value = 3.28759},
                    new DataPoint { Argument = "Others",    Value = 81.2}