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HamburgerMenuAdaptiveLayoutController Properties

Provides options used to customize the HamburgerMenu‘s Adaptive Layout behavior.
Name Description
ActualWidth Gets or sets the actual width of the menu.
AvailableViewStates Gets or sets whether the menu can be displayed in the Flyout, Overlay and/or Inline state.
CompactOverlayStateThreshold Gets or sets the window width, in pixels, at which the menu is automatically displayed in the Overlay state.
IsCompactOnShow Gets or sets whether the menu is initially collapsed.
IsMenuVisible Gets or sets whether the menu is collapsed.
MinimizedFlyoutStateThreshold Gets or sets the window width, in pixels, at which the menu is automatically displayed in the Flyout state. This property supports the adaptive layout.
ViewState Gets or sets the whether the menu is expanded overlying or inline with the content, or collapsed up to a side bar or the toggle (hamburger) button.
See Also