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DefaultBarItemNames Fields

Stores the names of the default Scheduler Ribbon items and Pop-Up Menus.
Name Description
Categories_Appointment Returns the Categories_Appointment string. Identifies a contextual page category displayed only when an appointment is selected.
Categories_Default Returns the Categories_Default string. Identifies the default page category.
ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Actions_Copy Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Actions_Copy string. Identifies the Copy item in the Appointment Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Actions_Cut Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Actions_Cut string. Identifies the Cut item in the Appointment Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Actions_Delete Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Actions_Delete string. Identifies the Delete item in the Appointment Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Actions_EditSeries Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Actions_EditSeries string. Identifies the Edit Series item in the Appointment Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Actions_Open Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Actions_Open string. Identifies the Open item in the Appointment Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Actions_Paste Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Actions_Paste string. Identifies the Paste item in the Appointment Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Actions_RestoreOccurrence Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Actions_RestoreOccurrence string. Identifies the Restore Default State item in the Appointment Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Options_LabelAs Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Options_LabelAs string. Identifies the Label As item in the Appointment Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Options_ShowTimeAs Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Appointment_Options_ShowTimeAs string. Identifies the Show Time As item in the Appointment Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_AppointmentDrop_Actions_CancelDropAppointments Returns the ContextMenu_Items_AppointmentDrop_Actions_CancelDropAppointments string. Identifies the Cancel item in the Appointment Drag Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_AppointmentDrop_Actions_CopyAppointmentsOnDrop Returns the ContextMenu_Items_AppointmentDrop_Actions_CopyAppointmentsOnDrop string. Identifies the Copy item in the Appointment Drag Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_AppointmentDrop_Actions_MoveAppointmentsOnDrop Returns the ContextMenu_Items_AppointmentDrop_Actions_MoveAppointmentsOnDrop string. Identifies the Move item in the Appointment Drag Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_GotoDate Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_GotoDate string. Identifies the Go to Date… item in the Cell Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_GotoToday Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_GotoToday string. Identifies the Go to Today item in the Cell Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_NewAllDayEvent Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_NewAllDayEvent string. Identifies the New All Day Event item in the Cell Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_NewAppointment Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_NewAppointment string. Identifies the New Appointment item in the Cell Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_NewRecurringAppointment Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_NewRecurringAppointment string. Identifies the New Recurring Appointment item in the Cell Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_NewRecurringEvent Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_NewRecurringEvent string. Identifies the New Recurring Event item in the Cell Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_Paste Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_Paste string. Identifies the Paste item in the Cell Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_SwitchView Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_SwitchView string. Identifies the Change View To submenu in the Cell Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_TimeScaleCaptions Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_TimeScaleCaptions string. Identifies the Time Scale Captions submenu in the Cell Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_TimeScales Returns the ContextMenu_Items_Cell_Actions_TimeScales string. Identifies the Time Scales submenu in the Cell Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_TimeRuler_Actions_CustomizeTimeRuler Returns the ContextMenu_Items_TimeRuler_Actions_CustomizeTimeRuler string. Identifies the Customize Time Ruler… item in the Time Ruler Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_TimeRuler_Actions_NewAllDayEvent Returns the ContextMenu_Items_TimeRuler_Actions_NewAllDayEvent string. Identifies the New All Day Event item in the Time Ruler Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_TimeRuler_Actions_NewAppointment Returns the ContextMenu_Items_TimeRuler_Actions_NewAppointment string. Identifies the New Appointment item in the Time Ruler Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_TimeRuler_Actions_NewRecurringAppointment Returns the ContextMenu_Items_TimeRuler_Actions_NewRecurringAppointment string. Identifies the New Recurring Appointment item in the Time Ruler Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_TimeRuler_Actions_NewRecurringEvent Returns the ContextMenu_Items_TimeRuler_Actions_NewRecurringEvent string. Identifies the New Recurring Event item in the Time Ruler Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_TimeRuler_Actions_SwitchTimeScale Returns the ContextMenu_Items_TimeRuler_Actions_SwitchTimeScale string. Identifies a container for menu items which specify time scale intervals in the Time Ruler Pop-Up Menu.
ContextMenu_Items_TimeRuler_Actions_SwitchView Returns the ContextMenu_Items_TimeRuler_Actions_SwitchView string. Identifies the Change View To submenu in the Time Ruler Pop-Up Menu.
Groups_Appointment_Actions Returns the Groups_Appointment_Actions string. Identifies the Actions group on the Appointment tab.
Groups_Appointment_Options Returns the Groups_Appointment_Options string. Identifies the Options group on the Appointment tab.
Groups_Home_Appointment Returns the Groups_Home_Appointment string. Identifies the Appointment group on the Home tab.
Groups_Home_Arrange Returns the Groups_Home_Arrange string. Identifies the Arrange group on the Home tab.
Groups_Home_GroupBy Returns the Groups_Home_GroupBy string. Identifies the Group By group on the Home tab.
Groups_Home_Layout Returns the Groups_Home_Layout string. Identifies the Layout group on the Home tab.
Groups_Home_Navigate Returns the Groups_Home_Navigate string. Identifies the Navigate group on the Home tab.
Groups_Home_TimeScale Returns the Groups_Home_TimeScale string. Identifies the Time Scale group on the Home tab.
Groups_Home_Window Returns the Groups_Home_Window string. Identifies the Window group on the Home tab.
Items_Appointment_Actions_Copy Returns the Items_Appointment_Actions_Copy string. Identifies a button that copies the selected appointment.
Items_Appointment_Actions_Cut Returns the Items_Appointment_Actions_Cut string. Identifies a button that cuts the selected appointment.
Items_Appointment_Actions_Delete Returns the Items_Appointment_Actions_Delete string. Identifies a button that deletes the selected appointment.
Items_Appointment_Actions_Open Returns the Items_Appointment_Actions_Open string. Identifies a button that invokes the AppointmentWindow dialog for the selected appointment.
Items_Appointment_Actions_Paste Returns the Items_Appointment_Actions_Paste string. Identifies a button that pastes an appointment(-s) from the clipboard to the selected cell.
Items_Appointment_Options_LabelAs Returns the Items_Appointment_Options_LabelAs string. Identifies a drop-down control that specifies the appointment label.
Items_Appointment_Options_Recurrence Returns the Items_Appointment_Options_Recurrence string. Identifies a button that invokes the RecurrenceWindow dialog.
Items_Appointment_Options_Reminder Returns the Items_Appointment_Options_Reminder string. Identifies a button that invokes the RemindersWindow dialog.
Items_Appointment_Options_ShowTimeAs Returns the Items_Appointment_Options_ShowTimeAs string. Identifies a drop-down control that specifies the appointment status.
Items_Home_Appointment_NewAppointment Returns the Items_Home_Appointment_NewAppointment string. Identifies a button that invokes the AppointmentWindow dialog for the newly created appointment.
Items_Home_Appointment_NewRecurringAppointment Returns the Items_Home_Appointment_NewRecurringAppointment string. Identifies a button that invokes the AppointmentWindow and RecurrenceWindow dialogs for the newly created appointment.
Items_Home_Arrange_Views Returns the Items_Home_Arrange_Views string. Identifies a container template populated with view switching buttons. Contains default views or explicitly defined views.
Items_Home_GroupBy_GroupByDate Returns the Items_Home_GroupBy_GroupByDate string. Identifies a button that sets the SchedulerControl.GroupType property to the SchedulerGroupType.Date value.
Items_Home_GroupBy_GroupByNone Returns the Items_Home_GroupBy_GroupByNone string. Identifies a button that sets the SchedulerControl.GroupType property to the SchedulerGroupType.None value.
Items_Home_GroupBy_GroupByResource Returns the Items_Home_GroupBy_GroupByResource string. Identifies a button that sets the SchedulerControl.GroupType property to the SchedulerGroupType.Resource value.
Items_Home_Layout_ShowWorkTimeOnly Returns the Items_Home_Layout_ShowWorkTimeOnly string. Identifies a button that specifies the DayViewBase.ShowWorkTimeOnly property value.
Items_Home_Layout_SwitchSnapToCells Returns the Items_Home_Layout_SwitchSnapToCells string. Identifies a button that specifies the DayViewBase.SnapToCellsMode value.
Items_Home_Navigate_Backward Returns the Items_Home_Navigate_Backward string. Identifies a button that navigates one view page backward.
Items_Home_Navigate_Forward Returns the Items_Home_Navigate_Forward string. Identifies a button that navigates one view page forward.
Items_Home_Navigate_GotoToday Returns the Items_Home_Navigate_GotoToday string. Identifies a button that navigates to the current date.
Items_Home_TimeScale_IntervalCount Returns the Items_Home_TimeScale_IntervalCount string. Identifies an editor that specifies the number of columns displayed in the Timeline view (the TimelineView.IntervalCount property value).
Items_Home_TimeScale_SwitchTimeScale Returns the Items_Home_TimeScale_SwitchTimeScale string. Identifies a drop-down control that specifies enabled time scales.
Items_Home_TimeScale_TimeScaleCaptions Returns the Items_Home_TimeScale_TimeScaleCaptions string. Identifies a drop-down control that specifies the visible time scale captions.
Items_Home_Window_ShowRemindersWindow Returns the Items_Home_Window_ShowRemindersWindow string. Identifies a button that invokes the RemindersWindow.
Pages_Appointment Returns the Pages_Appointment string. Identifies the Appointment page.
Pages_Home Returns the Pages_Home string. Identifies the Home page.
ResourceTree_ContextMenu_Items_Actions_Delete Returns the ResourceTree_ContextMenu_Items_Actions_Delete string. Identifies the Delete item in the Resource Tree Pop-Up Menu.
ResourceTree_ContextMenu_Items_Actions_Find Returns the ResourceTree_ContextMenu_Items_Actions_Find string. Identifies the Find item in the Resource Tree Pop-Up Menu.
ResourceTree_ContextMenu_Items_Actions_NewGroup Returns the ResourceTree_ContextMenu_Items_Actions_NewGroup string. Identifies the New Group item in the Resource Tree Pop-Up Menu.
ResourceTree_ContextMenu_Items_Actions_NewResource Returns the ResourceTree_ContextMenu_Items_Actions_NewResource string. Identifies the New Resource item in the Resource Tree Pop-Up Menu.
ResourceTree_ContextMenu_Items_Actions_Rename Returns the ResourceTree_ContextMenu_Items_Actions_Rename string. Identifies the Rename item in the Resource Tree Pop-Up Menu.
RibbonControl Returns the RibbonControl string. Identifies the RibbonControl which owns bar items.
See Also