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IAppointmentStorage Members

Defines the interface of the appointment storage in WPF Scheduler.


Name Description
AutoReload Gets or sets whether persistent object data is automatically fetched from the data source when it is modified. Inherited from IPersistentObjectStorage<T>.
CustomFieldMappings Gets or sets the custom field mappings collection associated with this IAppointmentStorageBase object. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
DataMember Gets or sets the data source member which supplies data to the storage object. Inherited from IPersistentObjectStorage<T>.
DataSource Gets or sets the object used as the data source to store persistent objects (appointments, resources., appointment dependencies). Inherited from IPersistentObjectStorage<T>.
Filter Gets or sets a string used to filter storage objects. Inherited from IPersistentObjectStorage<T>.
FilterCriteria Gets or sets the criteria to filter persistent objects in the storage. Inherited from IPersistentObjectStorage<T>.
Labels Provides access to the collection of appointment labels contained in the storage.
Mappings Provides access to appointment mappings. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
ResourceSharing Gets or sets a value indicating whether an appointment can be associated with multiple resources. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
Statuses Provides access to the collection of appointment labels contained in the storage.
Storage Provides access to the base storage component which holds persistent objects of any kind. Inherited from IPersistentObjectStorage<T>.


Name Description
Add(Appointment) Appends the specified Appointment object to the storage’s collection. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
AddRange(Appointment[]) Appends an array of appointments to the storage. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
AppendBaseMappings(MappingCollection) Clears existing base mappings and appends the specified mappings. Inherited from IPersistentObjectStorage<T>.
Clear() Locks the IPersistentObjectStorage<T> object by disallowing visual updates until the EndUpdate or CancelUpdate method is called. Inherited from IPersistentObjectStorage<T>.
Contains(Appointment) Determines whether the storage contains the specified appointment. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
CreateAppointment(AppointmentType, DateTime, DateTime, String) Creates an appointment of the specified type with the specified start time, end time and a subject. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
CreateAppointment(AppointmentType, DateTime, DateTime) Creates an appointment of the specified type with the specified start and end time. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
CreateAppointment(AppointmentType, DateTime, TimeSpan, String) Creates an appointment of the specified type with the specified start time, duration and a subject. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
CreateAppointment(AppointmentType, DateTime, TimeSpan) Creates an appointment of the specified type with the specified start time and duration. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
CreateAppointment(AppointmentType) Creates a new appointment of the specified type. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
CreateCustomFields(T) Creates the custom fields specific to this persistent object and adds them to the object’s custom fields collection. Inherited from IPersistentObjectStorage<T>.
Dispose() Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Inherited from IDisposable.
GetAppointmentById(Object) Gets the appointment by its identifier. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
GetColumnNames() Gets the names of data columns associated with this IPersistentObjectStorage<T> object. Inherited from IPersistentObjectStorage<T>.
GetObjectRow(T) Returns the data row object that contains information about the specified persistent object. Inherited from IPersistentObjectStorage<T>.
GetObjectValue(T, String) Obtains the value of the specified field in the data row that contains information about the specified persistent object. Inherited from IPersistentObjectStorage<T>.
IsNewAppointment(Appointment) Determines whether the appointment is new, so that it is not an occurrence, and the current IAppointmentStorageBase does not contain it. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
LoadFromXml(Stream) Loads settings of appointments from the specified stream to the appointment storage. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
LoadFromXml(String) Loads settings of appointments from the specified XML file to the appointment storage. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
Remove(Appointment) Removes the specified Appointment object from the storage. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
SaveToXml(Stream) Saves appointments from the storage to the specified stream. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
SaveToXml(String) Saves appointments from the storage to a file in XML format. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
SetAppointmentFactory(IAppointmentFactory) Assigns the specified appointment factory to the appointment storage. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
SetObjectValue(T, String, Object) Assigns the specified value to a field in the data row that contains information about the specified persistent object. Inherited from IPersistentObjectStorage<T>.
ValidateDataSource() Checks mapped data source fields and mappings for availability and duplicates. Inherited from IPersistentObjectStorage<T>.


Name Description
LoadException Fires when a problem occurs in appointment loading to the storage from an external data source. Inherited from IAppointmentStorageBase.
See Also