SchedulerControlStringId Enum
Lists the strings that can be localized in Ribbon UI and scheduler dialogs.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Scheduler
Name | Description |
The caption of the Go to Date dialog. Default value: “Go To Date” |
The caption of the Delete Recurrent Appointment Confirmation dialog. Default value: “Confirm Delete” |
Obsolete. Formerly used as a title of the EditRecurrentAppointmentForm. Default value: “Open Recurring Item” |
The title of the Time Ruler dialog. Default value: “Time Ruler” |
The caption of a radio button in the Delete Recurrent Appointment Confirmation dialog. Default value: “Delete the series” |
The caption of a radio button in the Delete Recurrent Appointment Confirmation dialog. Default value: “Delete this occurrence” |
The caption of a radio button in the Open Recurring Item dialog. Default value: “Edit the series” |
The caption of a radio button in the Open Recurring Item dialog. Default value: “Edit this occurrence” |
The text in the Delete Recurrent Appointment Confirmation dialog. Default value: “Do you want to delete all occurrences of the recurring appointment “{0}”, or just this one?” |
The text in the Open Recurring Item dialog invoked by the SchedulerControl.ShowEditRecurrentAppointmentForm method. Default value: “Do you want to edit all occurrences of the recurring appointment “{0}”, or just this one?” |
The caption of the Dismiss All button in the reminder alert dialog. Default value: “Dismiss All” |
The caption of the Dismiss button in the reminder alert dialog. Default value: “Dismiss” |
The caption of the button that invokes the Edit Appointment dialog for the selected appointment in the Reminfder Alert window. Default value: “Open Item” |
The caption of the Snooze button in the reminder alert dialog. Default value: “Snooze” |
The caption of the drop-down editor located in the Reminder Alert dialog. Default value: “Click Snooze to be reminded again in:” |
The caption of an editor located in the Edit Appointment dialog used to set the Appointment.Subject property. Default value: “End time:” |
The caption of an editor located in the Edit Appointment dialog used to set the Appointment.Location property. Default value: “Location:” |
The caption of an editor located in the Edit Appointment dialog used to set the Appointment.Start property. Default value: “End time:” |
The caption of an editor in the DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.Reporting.UI.SchedulerPrintingSettingsForm dialog. Default value: “Start date:” |
The caption of an editor located in the Edit Appointment dialog used to set the Appointment.End property. Default value: “End time:” |
The caption of an editor in the DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.Reporting.UI.SchedulerPrintingSettingsForm dialog. Default value: “End date:” |
The caption of the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “Appointment Recurrence” |
The caption of an editor located in the Edit Appointment dialog used to set the Appointment.ResourceId or Appointment.ResourceIds (if resource sharing is enabled) property. Default value: “Resource(s):‎” |
The caption of an editor located in the Edit Appointment dialog used to set the Appointment.LabelKey property. Also the caption of an editor in the Time Ruler dialog used to specify the time ruler caption. Default value: “Label:” |
The caption of a combo box in the Edit Appointment dialog that specifies the Appointment.StatusKey property value. Default value: “Show time as:” |
The caption of an editor located in the Edit Appointment dialog used to set the Appointment.Reminder property. Default value: “Reminder:” |
The caption of an editor located in the Edit Appointment dialog used to set the Appointment.Description property. Default value: “Description:” |
The caption of the checkbox in the Edit Appointment dialog. Default value: “All day event” |
The caption of an editor located in the Go to Date dialog. Default value: “Date:” |
The caption of a combo box in the Go to Date dialog. Default value: “Show In:” |
The caption of the OK button in dialogs. Default value: “OK” |
The caption of the “Save And Close” button in appointment (Outlook style) dialog. Default value: “Save And Close” |
The caption of the Cancel button in dialogs. Default value: “Cancel” |
The caption of the Delete button in dialogs. Default value: “Delete” |
The caption of the button in the Edit Appointment dialog which invokes the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info window. Default value: “Recurrence” |
The caption of the “Time Zones” button in appointment (Outlook style) dialog. Default value: “Time Zones” |
The caption of the “Save” button in appointment (Outlook style) dialog. Default value: “Save” |
The caption of the “Undo” button in appointment (Outlook style) dialog. Default value: “Undo” |
The caption of the “Previous” button in appointment (Outlook style) dialog. Default value: “Previous” |
The caption of the “Next” button in appointment (Outlook style) dialog. Default value: “Next” |
The caption of the “Previous” button in appointment (Outlook style) dialog. Default value: “Previous” |
The caption of a spin editor in the DailyRecurrenceControl to set the RecurrenceInfo.Periodicity value. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “day(s)‎” |
The caption of a spin editor in the DailyRecurrenceControl to set the RecurrenceInfo.Periodicity value. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “Every” |
The caption of a spin editor in the DailyRecurrenceControl to set the RecurrenceInfo.Periodicity value. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “Every weekday” |
The caption of an editor in the MonthlyRecurrenceControl. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “Day Number” |
The caption of a spin editor in the MonthlyRecurrenceControl to set the RecurrenceInfo.Periodicity value. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “of every” |
The caption of a spin editor in the MonthlyRecurrenceControl to set the RecurrenceInfo.Periodicity value. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “month(s)‎” |
The caption of a spin editor in the MonthlyRecurrenceControl to set the RecurrenceInfo.Periodicity value. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “The” |
The caption of a control group in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “Recurrence pattern” |
The caption of a control group in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “Recurrence end” |
The caption of an editor in the RecurrenceRangeControl to set the RecurrenceInfo.Range value. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “occurrences” |
Default value: “Start:” |
The caption of an editor in the RecurrenceRangeControl to set the RecurrenceInfo.Range value. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “No end date” |
The caption of an editor in the RecurrenceRangeControl to set the RecurrenceInfo.Range value. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “End after:” |
The caption of an editor in the RecurrenceRangeControl to set the RecurrenceInfo.Range value. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “End by:” |
The caption of an editor in the WeeklyRecurrenceControl. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “Recur every” |
The caption of an editor in the WeeklyRecurrenceControl. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “week(s) on:” |
The caption of an editor in the YearlyRecurrenceControl. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “On” |
The caption of an editor in the YearlyRecurrenceControl. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “On the” |
The caption of an editor in the YearlyRecurrenceControl. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “of” |
The string used to compose the value of the MonthlyRecurrenceControl.MonthlyRecurrenceTypes property.. Default value: “Day” |
The string used to compose the value of the MonthlyRecurrenceControl.MonthlyRecurrenceTypes property.. Default value: “Day of Week” |
The caption of an editor located in the Time Ruler dialog. Default value: “Time zone:” |
The caption of an editor located in the Time Ruler dialog. Default value: “Current Time:” |
The caption of the checkbox in the Time Ruler dialog. Default value: “Adjust for daylight saving time” |
Specifies the System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperties.Name property value for the editor in the DailyRecurrenceControl. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “Recur every Editable Text day(s)‎” |
Specifies the System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperties.Name property value for the editor in the WeeklyRecurrenceControl. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “Recur every Editable Text week(s)‎” |
The caption of the Appointment Tools contextual category tab of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “Calendar Tools” |
The caption of the Home page of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “Home” |
The caption of the View page of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “View” |
Default value: “View Navigator” |
Default value: “View Selector” |
The caption of the Group By page of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “Group By” |
The caption of the File page of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “File” |
The caption of the Appointment page of the Appointment Tools contextual category tab of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “Appointment” |
The caption of the Navigate group at the Home page of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “Navigate” |
The caption of the Active View group at the View page of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “Active View” |
The caption of the Arrange group at the Home page of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “Arrange” |
The caption of the Group By group at the Home page of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “Group By” |
The caption of the Appointment group at the Home page of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “Appointment” |
The caption of the Time Scale group at the View page of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “Time Scale” |
The caption of the Layout group at the View page of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “Layout” |
The caption of the Common group at the File page of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “Common” |
The caption of the Actions group at the Appointment page of the Appointment Tools contextual category tab of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “Actions” |
The caption of the Options group at the Appointment page of the Appointment Tools contextual category tab of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “Options” |
Specifies the System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperties.Name property value for the editor in the MonthlyRecurrenceControl. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “Day Editable Text of every Editable Text month(s)‎” |
Specifies the System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperties.Name property value for the editor in the MonthlyRecurrenceControl. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “The Editable Text Editable Text of every Editable Text month(s)‎” |
Specifies the System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperties.Name property value for the editor in the YearlyRecurrenceControl. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “On Editable Text Editable Text” |
Specifies the System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperties.Name property value for the editor in the YearlyRecurrenceControl. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “On the Editable Text Editable Text of Editable Text” |
Specifies the System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperties.Name property value for the editor in the EditRecurrenceControl. The control is used in the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog. Default value: “End after: Editable Text occurrences” |
The title of the DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.Reporting.UI.SchedulerPrintingSettingsForm dialog. Default value: “Print Options” |
The caption of a list box in the DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.Reporting.UI.SchedulerPrintingSettingsForm dialog. Default value: “Open report template (*.schrepx)” |
The caption of a tab in the DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.Reporting.UI.SchedulerPrintingSettingsForm dialog. Default value: “Format” |
The caption of a tab in the DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.Reporting.UI.SchedulerPrintingSettingsForm dialog. Default value: “Resources” |
The caption of a combo box in the DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.Reporting.UI.SchedulerPrintingSettingsForm dialog. Default value: “Resources kind:” |
The caption of the listbox editor located in the DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.Reporting.UI.SchedulerPrintingSettingsForm dialog. Default value: “Available resources:” |
The caption of a list box in the DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.Reporting.UI.SchedulerPrintingSettingsForm dialog. Default value: “Resources to print” |
The caption of a check box in the DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.Reporting.UI.SchedulerPrintingSettingsForm dialog. Default value: “Print using the custom collection” |
The caption of a button in the DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.Reporting.UI.SchedulerPrintingSettingsForm dialog. Default value: “Preview” |
The caption of the spin editor used to specify a number of visible intervals in the Timeline View. The editor is located at the View page of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. Default value: “Interval Count” |
The text used as a description of the SetTimeIntervalCountCommand command and displayed as a tooltip for the spin editor used to specify a number of visible intervals in the Timeline View. The editor is located at the View page of the Ribbon Scheduler UI. . Default value: “Time Ruler” |
The caption of the “Actions” Ribbon group in appointment (Outlook style) dialog. Default value: “Actions” |
The caption of the “Options” Ribbon group in appointment (Outlook style) dialog. Default value: “Options” |
You are viewing documentation for the legacy WPF Scheduler control. If you’re starting a new project, we strongly recommend that you use a new control declared in the DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduling namespace. If you decide to upgrade an existing project in order to switch to the updated scheduler control, see the Migration Guidelines document.
In the application that uses the code above the SchedulerControlStringId member names are displayed instead of default captions as illustrated in the following images.
The File Ribbon page of the Scheduler UI.
The Home Ribbon page of the Scheduler UI.
The View Ribbon page of the Scheduler UI..
The Appointment Tools Ribbon tab group of the Scheduler UI..
Default Edit Appointment dialog.
Simple Edit Appointment dialog.
The Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog.
The Monthly recurrence part of the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog.
The Weekly recurrence part of the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog.
The Yearly recurrence part of the Edit Appointment Recurrence Info dialog.
The Reminder Alert window.
The Go to Date dialog.
The Delete Recurrent Appointment Confirmation dialog.
The Open Recurring Item dialog.
The Time Ruler dialog.
The DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler.Reporting.UI.SchedulerPrintingSettingsForm dialog.