SelectionMode Enum
Specifies the single/multiple element selection option (when in Customization Mode.)
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Layout.Core
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Layout.v24.2.Core.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Wpf.Docking
Name | Description |
Selects in Customization Mode the only item specified via the DockLayoutManager.SelectItem method. If multiple DockLayoutManager.SelectItem methods were called, the last one’s item will be selected. |
Selects in Customization Mode multiple items specified via all the DockLayoutManager.SelectItem methods called. |
Selects in Customization Mode all items in the range between the last selected item and an item specified as a parameter in the DockLayoutManager.SelectItem method. |
Depending on the SelectionMode enumerator value passed to the DockLayoutManager.SelectItem method as a parameter, you can select either single or multiple items as you enter the Customization Mode. See these links to learn more.