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How to: Customize the Document Preview Toolbar

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This example demonstrates how you can customize the Document Preview toolbar. You can remove standard toolbar controls, and add custom commands and controls.

Proceed as follows:

  1. In XAML, use the CommandProvider property to declare the DocumentCommandProvider as a custom command provider for the Document Preview control. A command provider exposes the RibbonActions property, which allows you to access a collection of actions for the Document Preview control’s Ribbon. You should create Bar Actions and add them to the CommandProvider.RibbonActions collection:

    <!-- ... -->
    <dxp:DocumentPreviewControl Name="preview">
    <!-- ... -->
  2. The UpdateAction can replace a toolbar command’s standard icon. To identify a toolbar item by name, use the DefaultPreviewBarItemNames class. The following code uses the UpdateAction to change the Print command icon:

    <!-- ... -->
    <dxb:UpdateAction ElementName="{x:Static dxpbars:DefaultPreviewBarItemNames.Print}" 
                      Property="{x:Static dxb:BarItem.LargeGlyphProperty}" 
                      Value="{dxp:PrintingResourceImage ResourceName='Images/BarItems/Print.svg'}"/>
  3. The RemoveAction can remove an element from a toolbar. The following code removes the File, Send, and Export command groups:

    <!-- ... -->
    <dxb:RemoveAction ElementName="{x:Static dxpbars:DefaultPreviewBarItemNames.Export}"/>
    <dxb:RemoveAction ElementName="{x:Static dxpbars:DefaultPreviewBarItemNames.Send}"/>
    <dxb:RemoveAction ElementName="{x:Static dxpbars:DefaultPreviewBarItemNames.FileGroup}"/>
  4. The InsertAction can add a new element to the toolbar. The following code adds a new command group with two buttons (Create Document and Clear Preview):

    <!-- ... -->
            <dxr:RibbonPageGroup Caption="Custom Commands" Name="CustomCommandGroup"/>
    <dxb:InsertAction ContainerName="CustomCommandGroup">
            <dxb:BarButtonItem Content="Create Document" ItemClick="CreateDocument_ItemClick"/>
    <dxb:InsertAction ContainerName="CustomCommandGroup">
            <dxb:BarButtonItem Content="Clear Preview" ItemClick="ClearPreview_ItemClick" />                                
  5. Add a custom Export to PDF button to allow a user to export to PDF:

    <dxb:InsertAction ContainerName="{x:Static dxpbars:DefaultPreviewBarItemNames.ExportGroup}">
            <dxb:BarButtonItem Content="{dxp:PrintingStringId StringId=ExportPdf}" 
                LargeGlyph="{dxp:PrintingResourceImage ResourceName='Images/BarItems/ExportPDF.svg'}"
                Glyph="{dxp:PrintingResourceImage ResourceName='Images/BarItems/ExportPDF.svg'}"
                Hint="{dxp:PrintingStringId StringId=ExportPdf}" 
                Command="{Binding Path=(dxp:DocumentPreviewControl.ActualViewer).ExportCommand, 
                    RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}" 
  6. In this example, the Document Viewer loads a document created at runtime to display data from a simple array. The SimpleLink instance gets data from an array and uses the dayNameTemplate defined in XAML to create a document:

    <!-- ... -->
        <DataTemplate x:Key="dayNameTemplate">
            <dxe:TextEdit IsPrintingMode="True" Text="{Binding Path=Content}"/>
  7. Handle the BarItem.ItemClick events for the newly added buttons:

    private void CreateDocument_ItemClick(object sender, 
        DevExpress.Xpf.Bars.ItemClickEventArgs e) 
    private void ClearPreview_ItemClick(object sender, 
        DevExpress.Xpf.Bars.ItemClickEventArgs e) 

The result is shown in the following image:
