Our What's New in v24.2 webpage includes product-specific surveys. Your response to our survey questions will help us measure product satisfaction for features released in this major update and help us refine our plans for our next major release.
You are viewing documentation for the legacy WPF Scheduler control. If you’re starting a new project, we strongly recommend that you use a new control declared in the DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduling namespace. If you decide to upgrade an existing project in order to switch to the updated scheduler control, see the Migration Guidelines document.
The following example demonstrates how to implement a custom in-place editor instead of a default one.
privatevoidschedulerControl1_InplaceEditorShowing(object sender, InplaceEditorEventArgs e) {
CustomInplaceEditor editor = new CustomInplaceEditor(schedulerControl1, e.Appointment);
e.InplaceEditor = editor;
editor.DataContext = editor;
e.Bounds = new Rect(e.Bounds.TopRight, new Size(editor.Width, editor.Height));
PrivateSub schedulerControl1_InplaceEditorShowing(ByVal sender AsObject, _
ByVal e As InplaceEditorEventArgs)
Dim editor AsNew CustomInplaceEditor(schedulerControl1, e.Appointment)
e.InplaceEditor = editor
editor.DataContext = editor
e.Bounds = New Rect(e.Bounds.TopRight, New Size(editor.Width, editor.Height))
As a result, when an end-user adds a new appointment by pressing Enter in the selected time cells or edits an existing appointment by clicking it repeatedly, the custom in-place editor will be shown.
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