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How to: Calculate a Route between Waypoints Using the Bing Route Service

  • 3 minutes to read

This example demonstrates how to use the Microsoft Bing Route web service to calculate a route between multiple waypoints and how to customize the appearance of the resulting route path.

Calculated route

To accomplish this, do the following:

<dxm:InformationLayer EnableHighlighting="False">
        <dxm:BingRouteDataProvider x:Name="routeProvider" 
                                   BingKey="{Binding Source={StaticResource YourBingKey}}"
public partial class MainWindow : Window {

    public MainWindow() {

        // Create three waypoints and add them to a route waypoints list. 
        List<RouteWaypoint> waypoints = new List<RouteWaypoint>();
        waypoints.Add(new RouteWaypoint("New York", new GeoPoint(41.145556, -73.995)));
        waypoints.Add(new RouteWaypoint("Oklahoma", new GeoPoint(36.131389, -95.937222)));
        waypoints.Add(new RouteWaypoint("Las Vegas", new GeoPoint(36.175, -115.136389)));


    private void routeProvider_LayerItemsGenerating(object sender, LayerItemsGeneratingEventArgs args) {
        char letter = 'A';
        foreach (MapItem item in args.Items) {
            MapPushpin pushpin = item as MapPushpin;
            if (pushpin != null)
                pushpin.Text = letter++.ToString();
            MapPolyline line = item as MapPolyline;
            if (line != null) {
                line.Fill = Brushes.Red;
                line.Stroke = Brushes.Red;

See Also
How to: Calculate a Route between Waypoints Using the Bing Route Service