How to: Add an Item to the Context Menu (legacy)
You are viewing documentation for the legacy WPF Scheduler control. If you’re starting a new project, we strongly recommend that you use a new control declared in the DevExpress.
This example demonstrates how to add custom menu items to the Appointment Popup Menu of the SchedulerControl using the SchedulerControl.AppointmentMenuCustomizations property in XAML. Add a bar item (BarCheckItem, BarButtonItem or BarItemSeparator class instance) to the collection and specify item properties. To insert an item into a specific position, attach the BarItemLinkActionBase.ItemLinkIndex property.
<!--Add items to the Appointment popup menu-->
<dxb:BarItemSeparator dxb:BarItemLinkActionBase.ItemLinkIndex="1" />
<dxb:BarCheckItem Name="customCheckItem"
Content="BarCheckItem Added in XAML"
CheckedChanged="customCheckItem_CheckedChanged" />
<dxb:BarButtonItem Name="customButtonItem"
Content="BarButtonItem Added in XAML"
<dxb:BarItemSeparator dxb:BarItemLinkActionBase.ItemLinkIndex="4" />