Accordion Items
Accordion Items are main elements within the AccordionControl.
This topic contains the following sections:
#Accordion Item Overview
AccordionItem objects represent two types of accordion items:
- Root items are top-level accordion items.
- Subitems are nested within other items.
See the Adding Accordion Items topic to learn how to add accordion items at design time and in code.
#Accordion Item Elements
The image below shows accordion item elements:
- Header - text or content displayed within the accordion item.
- Glyph - an image displayed within the accordion item.
- Expand-Collapse Button - button that allows expanding and collapsing the accordion item.
#Accordion Item Customization
The following topics describe how to customize an accordion item:
Describes how to change an accordion item’s header.
Describes how to change an accordion item’s glyph.
Describes how to change an accordion item’s content.