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TdxSpreadSheetPasswordDialogForm.Execute(TComponent,TdxCustomSpreadSheet,TdxSpreadSheetPasswordDialogMode,string) Method

Invokes the Password Protection or Confirm Password dialog for a specified spreadsheet control.


class function Execute(AOwner: TComponent; ASpreadSheet: TdxCustomSpreadSheet; AMode: TdxSpreadSheetPasswordDialogMode; out APassword: string): Boolean; overload;


Name Type Description
AOwner TComponent

The parent form of the ASpreadSheet control.

ASpreadSheet TdxCustomSpreadSheet

The target spreadsheet control.

AMode TdxSpreadSheetPasswordDialogMode

The required password dialog type.

APassword string

Returns the entered password.


Type Description

True if a user clicks the OK button or presses the Enter key to close the password dialog; otherwise, False.


The AOwner parameter specifies the parent form of a spreadsheet control passed as the ASpreadSheet parameter. The AMode parameter specifies the dialog type and password entry mode. Refer to the TdxSpreadSheetPasswordDialogMode type description for details.

The Password Dialog

If the Password Protection or Confirm Password dialog is closed with a click on the OK button or the Enter keystroke, the Execute function returns True as a result and the dialog field’s content as the APassword parameter. Otherwise, the function returns False.

See Also