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TdxSpreadSheetHyperlinks.FindItem(Integer,Integer) Method

Returns a hyperlink whose hot area includes the specified cell.


function FindItem(const ARow: Integer; const AColumn: Integer): TdxSpreadSheetHyperlink; overload;


Name Type
ARow Integer
AColumn Integer




Call either of the overloaded function variants to obtain a hyperlink whose hot area includes a specific cell. A function variant returns nil if the collection contains no such hyperlink.

The first function variant accepts row and column indexes of the target cell as the ARow and AColumn parameters while the second variant accepts a reference (as a string in the A1 format) to the cell. If the ACellReference parameter refers to a cell range instead of a single cell, the FindItem function uses the cell at the cell range’s upper-left corner.

You can use the Items property to access individual hyperlinks in the collection by their indexes.

See Also