TdxSpreadSheetFunctionsRepository.HasFunctions(TdxSpreadSheetFunctionType) Method
Identifies whether the repository contains at least one implemented function that belongs to the specified category.
function HasFunctions(AFunctionType: TdxSpreadSheetFunctionType): Boolean;
Name | Type |
AFunction |
Tdx |
Type |
Boolean |
Call this function and pass a function category as the AFunctionType parameter to identify if the repository has an implementation routine assigned to a registered function signature that belongs to the specified category. The function iterates through all registered function signatures and returns True when it finds the first occurrence of a signature whose IsValid function returns True and the TypeID field value matches the AFunctionType parameter value. The function returns False if the repository contains no such functions.
Note that the ExpressSpreadSheet Suite provides no implementations for registered function signatures that belong to the “Cube”, “Database”, and “Engineering” function categories. These registered signatures ensure compatibility with Microsoft Excel® spreadsheet documents that contain the corresponding functions. Refer to the TdxSpreadSheetFunctionType type description for details on all function types.