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TdxSpreadSheetFormattedTextService.GetAsRTF(TdxSpreadSheetCell,string,Boolean) Method

Retrieves the specified cell object‘s formatted content as an RTF string.


class function GetAsRTF(ACell: TdxSpreadSheetCell; var AValue: string; ARichEditCompatibility: Boolean): Boolean; override;


Name Type
ACell TdxSpreadSheetCell
AValue string
ARichEditCompatibility Boolean




Call this class function and pass the source cell object as the ACell parameter to retrieve an RTF string as the AValue var parameter, provided that the cell contains a formatted RTF string. The function returns True if it successfully retrieves an RTF string; otherwise – False.

You can call a cell object’s GetAsRTF function to achieve the same end.

GetAsRTF calls the IsFormattedTextValue class function internally to identify whether the specified source cell contains any formatted text.

See Also