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TdxSkinController.OnSkinControl Event

Allows you to enable or disable skinning for a TFrame, a TPanel, TButton, TCheckBox, TDBCheckBox, or TRadioButton control.


property OnSkinControl: TdxSkinControlEvent read; write;


This event is raised only once before a TPanel, TFrame, TButton, TCheckBox, TDBCheckBox, or TRadioButton control passed as the AControl parameter is shown in a skinned form.

By default, the UseSkin parameter value is equal to the skin controller’s UseSkins property value. To enable skinning for AControl, ensure that the UseSkin parameter’s value is True. Otherwise, skinning will be disabled.

To apply skins to TPanel, TButton, TCheckBox, TDBCheckBox, and TRadioButton controls and frames located on specific forms, check for a particular form using the standard VCL GetParentForm function and pass AControl as its parameter. To specify skins to be applied to forms, handle the OnSkinForm event.

The Refresh method always fires the OnSkinControl event. Call this method to reapply skins based on the OnSkinControl event handler’s logic.

See Also