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TdxSkinFormEvent Type

The procedural type for form skinning events.


TdxSkinFormEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AForm: TCustomForm; var ASkinName: string; var UseSkin: Boolean) of object;


Name Type Description
Sender TObject

Provides access to the skin controller component that raised the form skinning event.

Cast the Sender parameter value to the TdxSkinController class to access all public API members of the skin controller.

AForm TCustomForm

Provides access to the currently processed form.

Use this parameter to identify the target form.

ASkinName string

Specifies the name of the skin applied to the target form (AForm) and the following standard VCL controls within it:

The initial parameter value matches the SkinName property value of a TdxSkinController component in the application.

The specified skin is applied to the form and its standard VCL controls only if the UseSkin parameter value is True.

UseSkin Boolean

Specifies if the skin controller applies a skin to the target form (AForm) and supported standard VCL controls on it.

The initial parameter value matches the UseSkins property value of a TdxSkinController component in the application.


The form skinning event occurs once per form at application startup or when the active skin changes. You can handle this event to change the skin applied to forms and the following standard VCL controls within them:

Direct TdxSkinFormEvent Type Reference

The TdxSkinController.OnSkinForm event references the TdxSkinFormEvent procedural type.

See Also