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TdxSimpleFormattingMarkVisibilityOptions Members

Stores visibility settings for non-printable characters within a document displayed by the Rich Edit control.


Name Description
Changed Occurs when any of the settings with a particular Rich Edit control options set is modified. Inherited from TdxRichEditNotificationOptions.
HiddenText Specifies a value indicating whether the hidden text is visible within a document opened by the Rich Edit control.
ParagraphMark Specifies a value indicating whether the paragraph marks are displayed within a document opened by the Rich Edit control.
ShowHiddenText Specifies a value indicating whether a text with the Hidden attribute is displayed in a document.
Space Specifies a value indicating whether the space characters are displayed within a document opened by the Rich Edit control.


Name Description
Assign(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
AssignTo(TPersistent) Inherited from TPersistent.
BeginUpdate Postpones sending notifications about modifications within the option set. Inherited from TdxRichEditNotificationOptions.
CancelUpdate Discards the postponed option set change notifications and enables sending subsequent notifications to the option set’s listeners. Inherited from TdxRichEditNotificationOptions.
EndUpdate Sends the postponed option set change notifications and enables sending subsequent notifications to the option set’s listeners. Inherited from TdxRichEditNotificationOptions.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetNamePath Inherited from TPersistent.
GetOwner Inherited from TPersistent.
QueryInterface(TGUID,Untyped) Inherited from TInterfacedPersistent.
Reset Restores the default values for all settings within the option set. Inherited from TdxRichEditNotificationOptions.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also