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IdxRichEditTextBox Methods

Exposes a text box within a floating shape.
Name Description
GetDocument Returns the subdocument that hosts all the text box content.
GetHeightRule Returns the value indicating how the height of the text box’s floating shape is determined.
GetMarginBottom Returns the margin (in the parent document’s measurement units) between the content of the text box and its floating shape‘s bottom border.
GetMarginLeft Returns the margin (in the parent document’s measurement units) between the content of the text box and its floating shape‘s left border.
GetMarginRight Returns the margin (in the parent document’s measurement units) between the content of the text box and its floating shape‘s right border.
GetMarginTop Returns the margin (in the parent document’s measurement units) between the content of the text box and its floating shape‘s top border.
SetHeightRule(TdxRichEditTextBoxSizeRule) Enables or disables the automatic height adjustment mode for the floating shape that hosts the text box.
SetMarginBottom(Single) Sets the specified value (in the parent document’s measurement units) as a distance between the content of the text box and its floating shape‘s bottom border.
SetMarginLeft(Single) Sets the specified value (in the parent document’s measurement units) as a distance between the content of the text box and its floating shape‘s left border.
SetMarginRight(Single) Sets the specified value (in the parent document’s measurement units) as a distance between the content of the text box and its floating shape‘s right border.
SetMarginTop(Single) Sets the specified value (in the parent document’s measurement units) as a distance between the content of the text box and its floating shape‘s top border.
See Also