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IdxRichEditDocument.LoadDocument(string,TdxRichEditDocumentFormat) Method

Imports a document from the specified file.


procedure LoadDocument(const AFileName: string; AFormat: TdxRichEditDocumentFormat); overload;


Name Type Description
AFileName string

An absolute or relative path to a source document file.

AFormat TdxRichEditDocumentFormat

A document format.


If the AFormat parameter accepts the TdxRichEditDocumentFormat.Undefined value, the procedure detects the target format by the file name extension. If the file name has no extension, the LoadDocument procedure iterates through all supported document formats to find the best possible match in the target file’s content.

A successful LoadDocument procedure call updates a Rich Edit component‘s Options.DocumentSaveOptions.CurrentFileName and Options.DocumentSaveOptions.CurrentFormat properties.


The document server component has built-in support only for the plain text format. The Rich Edit control supports both TXT and RTF formats out-of-the-box. Refer to the following topic for information on how to enable optional document formats:

A LoadDocument procedure call cannot import a document if its format is disabled.

See Also