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TdxRichEditCustomDocumentServer.LoadDocument(TStream) Method

Loads a document from the specified stream.


function LoadDocument(AStream: TStream): Boolean; overload;


Name Type Description
AStream TStream

Contains a source document.


Type Description

The function returns True if the specified document is successfully loaded; otherwise, False.


The LoadDocument function iterates through all supported document formats to find the best possible match in the target document’s content.

A successful LoadDocument function call updates the Options.DocumentSaveOptions.CurrentFileName and Options.DocumentSaveOptions.CurrentFormat properties and raises the OnDocumentLoaded event.


The document server component has built-in support only for the plain text format to avoid excessive dependencies. Refer to the following topic for information on how to enable RTF, DOC, DOCX, and HTML formats: Document Server: Document Management.

A LoadDocument function call cannot import a document if its format is disabled.

See Also