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TdxCustomRibbonGalleryOptions Properties

The base class for the TdxRibbonGalleryOptions and TdxSkinChooserGalleryOptions classes that represent appearance settings for galleries.
Name Description
CanCollapse protected Specifies whether an in-Ribbon gallery can be automatically collapsed to a sub-menu when the Ribbon control is resized.
Collapsed protected Specifies whether an in-Ribbon gallery is collapsed to a sub-menu.
ColumnCount protected Specifies the number of columns displayed in a gallery.
EqualItemSizeInAllGroups protected Specifies whether all the item sizes in gallery groups are identical.
Images Provides images for gallery items. Inherited from TdxRibbonGalleryBaseOptions.
ItemAllowDeselect protected Specifies whether end-users can deselect gallery items.
ItemHintSource protected Specifies the ribbon gallery items‘ hint and screen tip behavior.
ItemImagePosition Specifies the manner in which a gallery item‘s image and text (caption and description) are aligned. Inherited from TdxRibbonGalleryBaseOptions.
ItemImageSize Specifies the height and width of item images within a gallery group. Inherited from TdxRibbonGalleryBaseOptions.
ItemPullHighlighting Provides access to contiguous highlighting options. Inherited from TdxRibbonGalleryBaseOptions.
ItemSelectionMode protected Specifies whether gallery items support the selected state and whether multiple item selection is allowed.
ItemSize Specifies the height and width of gallery items. Inherited from TdxRibbonGalleryBaseOptions.
ItemSizeInRibbon protected Specifies the height and width of gallery items displayed within an in-Ribbon gallery.
ItemTextAlignVert Specifies items’ text vertical alignment in all gallery groups. Inherited from TdxRibbonGalleryBaseOptions.
ItemTextKind Specifies the caption and description visibility for a gallery group‘s items. Inherited from TdxRibbonGalleryBaseOptions.
MinColumnCount protected Specifies the minimum number of columns displayed in an in-Ribbon gallery.
PopupMenu Specifies a custom popup menu for a ribbon gallery or its groups. Inherited from TdxRibbonGalleryBaseOptions.
RowCount protected Specifies the maximum number of rows visible in a dropdown gallery at one time.
ShowItemHint protected Specifies whether the hint window is displayed, when an end-user positions the mouse pointer over a gallery item.
ShowScrollbar protected This property is obsolete. The scrollbar’s visibility is determined automatically, based on the RowCount property value.
SpaceAfterGroupHeader Specifies the additional offset (in pixels) from a group header to gallery items. Inherited from TdxRibbonGalleryBaseOptions.
SpaceBetweenGroups protected Specifies the group spacing (in pixels) in a dropdown gallery.
SpaceBetweenItemCaptionAndDescription Specifies the distance (in pixels) between a gallery item‘s caption and description. Inherited from TdxRibbonGalleryBaseOptions.
SpaceBetweenItemImageAndText Specifies the distance (in pixels) between a gallery item‘s image and text (caption and description). Inherited from TdxRibbonGalleryBaseOptions.
SpaceBetweenItemsAndBorder protected Specifies the space between outermost gallery items and a gallery group‘s border, in pixels.
SpaceBetweenItemsHorizontally Specifies the horizontal space between gallery items, in pixels. Inherited from TdxRibbonGalleryBaseOptions.
SpaceBetweenItemsVertically Specifies the vertical space between gallery items, in pixels. Inherited from TdxRibbonGalleryBaseOptions.
SubmenuResizing protected Specifies the manner in which a sub-menu’s dropdown window for a collapsed in-Ribbon gallery can be resized by end-users.
See Also