TdxRibbonColorGalleryItem Class
A bar item that provides advanced color selection capabilities.
TdxRibbonColorGalleryItem = class(
Clicking this bar item displays a dropdown menu that includes:
The Auto menu item, which selects the clDefault color;
A color palette including two panels: the Theme Colors panel (a set of theme colors and their shades) and the Standard Colors panel (a set of predefined colors matching the basic colors found in the system Color dialog and the VCL TColorDialog component);
A customizable set of custom colors (the Custom Colors panel);
The More Colors… menu item, which invokes the DevExpress Color Editor dialog for advanced color selection.
The TdxRibbonColorGalleryItem
class extends its ancestor class with members that allow you to:
Specify the selected color (a TColor value) and respond to selecting another color (Color and OnColorChanged);
Customize the Auto menu item appearance (AutoMenuItemColor);
Hide or display the color item borders (ShowItemBorders);
Select a theme – a set of colors that is used to create a color palette (Theme);
Provide custom colors (CustomColors).