TBasedxReportLink.OnCustomDrawReportLinkFootnotes Event
Enables you to custom paint footnotes.
property OnCustomDrawReportLinkFootnotes: TdxCustomDrawReportLinkTitleEvent read; write;
Sender returns the report link that generates this event.
ACanvas determines the drawing surface. Refer to the global FSmoothlyStretchImages variable description to learn how to draw images with anti-aliasing.
ARect determines the footnote’s bounding rectangle.
ANom and ADenom determine the magnification and reduction levels.
ATextAlignX and ATextAlignY specify the display text’s horizontal and vertical alignment.
AColor specifies the display text color.
AFont determines the display text font.
ADone specifies whether default painting is required. Set ADone to True, to prevent default code execution.
If you need to customize the footnote’s height before the OnCustomDrawReportLinkFootnotes event handler is executed, handle the OnMeasureReportLinkFootnotes event.