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TdxPSDBBasedExplorerItem Methods

Represents a report item in a TdxPSDBBasedExplorer component.
Name Description
CanAccept(TCustomdxPSExplorerItem) Indicates whether the item can serve as the parent for the specified item. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
CanDelete Indicates whether the item can be deleted. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
CanLoadData Indicates whether the report item’s data can be loaded into the preview window. Inherited from TdxPSExplorerItem.
CanMove Indicates whether the item can be moved. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
CanMoveTo(TCustomdxPSExplorerItem) Indicates whether the item can be moved to the specified position. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
CannotRenameMessageText(string,string) Returns the text displayed within the error message box when the item fails to be renamed. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
CanRename Returns a value indicating end-users can start editing the item’s caption. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
CanRenameTo(string) Returns a value indicating whether the item can accept the name specified. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
CreateDataStream(TdxPSStreamMode) Creates a stream containing the item’s content. Inherited from TdxPSExplorerItem.
DataLoadErrorText Returns the text displayed within an error message box that is invoked when the loading of an item’s data fails. Inherited from TdxPSExplorerItem.
Delete Deletes the item. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
DeleteMessageText Returns the text displayed by the confirmation box that is invoked before deleting the item. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
Explorer Returns the explorer component that owns the current item.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetUniqueID(TBytes) Enables you to obtain the item’s unique ID. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
HasAsParent(TCustomdxPSExplorerItem) Returns a value indicating whether the item is a child of the item passed as the parameter. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
HasPropertySheets Gets a value indicating whether items of this type have an associated property sheets dialog. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
IsLoading Indicates whether the owning explorer component is loading data presently. Inherited from TdxPSExplorerItem.
IsNameChanged(string) Determines whether the item’s name is the same as the specified string. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
Load(TBasedxReportLink) Loads the item’s data into a particular report link. Inherited from TdxPSExplorerItem.
OverwriteMessageText(TCustomdxPSExplorerItem) Returns a message displayed when moving an item to a folder that already contains an item with the same name. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
PropertySheetsClass Returns the type of an object that provides the property sheets dialog for items of a particular type. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
RetrieveReportData(TBasedxReportLink) Loads report data from a report link to the report item. Inherited from TdxPSExplorerItem.
ShowPropertySheets Invokes the property sheets dialog for the item, if possible. Inherited from TCustomdxPSExplorerItem.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
Unload Unloads the item’s data from the associated report link. Inherited from TdxPSExplorerItem.
See Also