TCustomdxPSDBBasedExplorerFieldNamesMap Class
Serves as the base for objects representing a data-aware explorer’s FoldersFieldNamesMap and ItemsFieldNamesMap properties.
TCustomdxPSDBBasedExplorerFieldNamesMap = class(
The TCustomdxPSDBBasedExplorerFieldNamesMap class implements the basic functionality of the TdxPSDBBasedExplorerFoldersFieldNamesMap and TdxPSDBBasedExplorerItemsFieldNamesMap objects. These objects represent the FoldersFieldNamesMap and ItemsFieldNamesMap properties in a TdxPSDBBasedExplorer component. The purpose of these properties is to bind the component to fields that specify the report tree structure and hold report data.
The functionality implemented in the TCustomdxPSDBBasedExplorerFieldNamesMap object doesn’t allow specifying any dataset fields. It only introduces members that allow access to the owner component and to copy settings to other objects.