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TdxPSExplorerItem.CreateDataStream(TdxPSStreamMode) Method

Creates a stream containing the item’s content.


function CreateDataStream(AMode: TdxPSStreamMode): TStream; virtual;


Name Type
AMode TdxPSStreamMode




The CreateDataStream method is used to create a stream containing the item’s data. The AMode parameter specifies the stream access modes available. The table below lists values that can be passed as this parameter.

Value Description
SmRead A read-only stream is created.
SmWrite A write-only stream is created.
smReadWrite A read-write stream is created.

The created stream’s content is the item’s data stored either within a file or a database field. Thus, TdxPSExplorerItem descendants override the CreateDataStream method to return either a file stream or a BLOB stream.


If you are developing your own item classes you may also need to override the CreateDataStream method to return a proper stream with report data. Because the method is used internally to write the data of a report link to it’s item and vice versa.

See Also