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TdxPSDBBasedExplorerFoldersFieldNamesMap Class

Represents a data-aware explorer’s FoldersFieldNamesMap property.


TdxPSDBBasedExplorerFoldersFieldNamesMap = class(


The TdxPSDBBasedExplorerFoldersFieldNamesMap class provides properties which specify fields that are required to build the folders structure displayed by a TdxPSDBBasedExplorer component. These properties specify fields containing folder IDs, names and parent folder IDs. The dataset whose fields provide this information should be assigned to the explorer component’s Folders property.

Note that the TdxPSDBBasedExplorerFoldersFieldNamesMap class doesn’t introduce any new functionality, it inherits all its members from the base TdxPSDBBasedExplorerFieldNamesMap class.

See Also