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dxPDFViewerOpenDocumentDialog(string) Method

Invokes the Open dialog allowing you to select a PDF document file for loading.


function dxPDFViewerOpenDocumentDialog(var AFileName: string): Boolean;


Name Type Description
AFileName string

The full path to a PDF document.


Type Description

The function returns True if the function returns a non-empty path; otherwise - False.


You can use this global function together with the PDF Viewer’s LoadFromFile procedure to implement an alternative to the OpenDocument command. The dxPDFViewerOpenDocumentDialog function returns False if an end-user clicks the “Cancel” button in the Open dialog; otherwise, True. The path to a file selected by an end-user is returned as the AFileName parameter.

An example of using the dxPDFViewerOpenDocumentDialog function is listed below:

  AFileName: string;
  if(dxPDFViewerOpenDocumentDialog(AFileName)) then  // If the file path is not an empty string
    dxPDFViewer1.LoadFromFile(AFileName);  // Load the specified PDF document
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