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TdxPDFDocument.OnSearchProgress Event

Enables you to track the progress of a time-consuming text search operation in the PDF document.


property OnSearchProgress: TdxPDFDocumentTextSearchProgressEvent read; write;


Handle the OnSearchProgress event to display a progress bar in your application (the TcxProgressBar control, for instance) during a text search operation. This event can occur multiple times per search operation, every time the FindText method finishes processing a document page.


You can use the APercent parameter to obtain the percentage value that indicates the progress of the save operation:

TMyForm.SearchProgress(Sender: TdxPDFDocument; APageIndex: Integer; APercent: Integer);
  cxProgressBar1.Position := APercent;

Refer to the TdxPDFDocumentTextSearchProgressEvent procedural type description for detailed information on parameters accessible within an OnSearchProgress event handler.


The TdxPDFViewer control handles the OnSearchProgress event for its Document. If you work with the PDF Viewer, handle the TdxPDFViewer control’s OnSearchProgress event.

See Also