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TdxPDFDocumentLoadedEvent Type

A document load notification event type.


TdxPDFDocumentLoadedEvent = procedure(Sender: TdxPDFDocument; const AInfo: TdxPDFDocumentLoadInfo) of object;


Name Type
Sender TdxPDFDocument
AInfo TdxPDFDocumentLoadInfo


The Sender parameter provides access to a PDF document container that raised a TdxPDFDocumentLoadedEvent event.

The AInfo parameter returns information on the loaded document’s source. You can use the AInfo.FileStream field to access the source or intermediate memory stream that contains the source document. The AInfo.FileName field returns the path to the source file if the document was loaded from a file. Refer to the TdxPDFDocumentLoadInfo record description for additional information.

The TdxPDFCustomViewer.OnDocumentLoaded and TdxPDFDocument.OnLoaded events reference the TdxPDFDocumentLoadedEvent type.

See Also