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TdxNavBarBaseViewInfo Members


Name Description
Create(TdxNavBarPainter) Creates a new instance of the TdxNavBarViewInfo object. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.


Name Description
BottomScrollButtonRect Returns the bounding rectangle of the bottom scroll button. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BottomScrollButtonState Returns the state of the bottom scroll button. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GroupCount Returns the number of groups in the NavBar control. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
Groups Provides indexed access to ViewInfo information of individual groups. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HeaderRect protected Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HeaderSignRect protected Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HintRect Returns the bounding rectangle of the hint to be displayed. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HintText Returns the text of the hint to be displayed. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
NavBar Inherited from TdxNavBarCustomViewInfo.
Painter Inherited from TdxNavBarCustomViewInfo.
ScaleFactor Inherited from TdxNavBarCustomViewInfo.
SizeGripRect protected Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
TopScrollButtonRect Returns the bounding rectangle of the top scroll button. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
TopScrollButtonState Returns the current state of the top scroll bar button. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.


Name Description
ActiveGroupViewInfo Returns ViewInfo information for the currently active group. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultBackgroundStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultButtonHotTrackedStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultButtonPressedStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultButtonStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultChildGroupCaptionHotTrackedStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultChildGroupCaptionPressedStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultChildGroupCaptionStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultDropTargetGroupStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultDropTargetLinkStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultGroupBackgroundStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultGroupControlStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultGroupHeaderActiveHotTrackedStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultGroupHeaderActivePressedStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultGroupHeaderActiveStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultGroupHeaderHotTrackedStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultGroupHeaderPressedStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultGroupHeaderStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultHintStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultItemDisabledStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultItemHotTrackedStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultItemPressedStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultItemStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
AssignDefaultNavigationPaneHeaderStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BgAlphaBlend Returns the starting alpha blending component of the control’s background color. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BgAlphaBlend2 Returns the ending alpha blending component of the control’s background color. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BgBackColor Returns the starting background color of the control. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BgBackColor2 Returns the ending background color of the control. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BgGradientMode Returns the gradient direction used to fill the control’s background. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BgImage Returns the control’s background image. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BorderColor Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BorderWidth Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BottomScrollButtonAlphaBlend Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BottomScrollButtonAlphaBlend2 Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BottomScrollButtonBackColor Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BottomScrollButtonBackColor2 Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BottomScrollButtonGradientMode Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BottomScrollButtonImage Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BottomScrollButtonStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
BottomScrollButtonStyleItem Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
CalculateBounds Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
CalculateDropInfo(TdxNavBarDropTargetInfo) Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
CalculateScrollButtonsBounds Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
ClearRects Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
CreateGroupsInfo Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
CreateInfo Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
DoGroupActivate(TdxNavBarGroup) Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
DoGroupDeactivate(TdxNavBarGroup) Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
DoRightToLeftConversion Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
DragDropGroupTargetAlphaBlend Returns the starting alpha component of the drag & drop target group’s background color. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
DragDropGroupTargetAlphaBlend2 Returns the ending alpha component of the drag & drop target group’s background color. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
DragDropGroupTargetBackColor Returns the starting background color of the drag & drop target group. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
DragDropGroupTargetBackColor2 Returns the ending background color of the drag & drop target group. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
DragDropGroupTargetGradient Returns the gradient direction used to fill the drag & drop target group’s background. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
DragDropItemTargetBackColor Returns the background color of the line representing the drag & drop target link. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
FindGroupWithAccel(Word) Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
FindLinkWithAccel(Word) Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetActiveGroupScrollBarWidth Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetDragArrowHeight protected Specifies drag arrow height. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetDragArrowWidth protected Specifies drag arrow width. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetGroupAtCaptionPos(TPoint) Returns the group whose header is located under the specified point. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetGroupAtItemsPos(TPoint) Returns a group whose client area is located under the specified point. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetGroupCaptionHeightAddon protected Specifies the increment which is used to calculate group caption height. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetGroupCaptionSignSize protected Specifies the size of the caption sign. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetGroupViewInfoAtCaptionPos(TPoint) Returns ViewInfo information for the group whose header is located under the specified point. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetGroupViewInfoAtItemsPos(TPoint) Returns ViewInfo information for the group whose client area is located under the specified point. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetGroupViewInfoAtPos(TPoint) Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetGroupViewInfoByGroup(TdxNavBarGroup) Returns ViewInfo information for the specified group. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetLinkAtPos(TPoint) Returns the link located under the specified point. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetLinkAtSelectedPos(TPoint) Returns the link whose image or caption is located under the specified point. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetLinkViewInfoAtPos(TPoint) Returns ViewInfo information for the link located under the specified point. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetLinkViewInfoAtSelectedPos(TPoint) Returns ViewInfo information for the link whose caption or image is located under the specified point. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetLinkViewInfoByLink(TdxNavBarItemLink) Returns ViewInfo information of the specified link. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetViewInfoAtDragPosition(TPoint,TdxNavBarGroupViewInfo,TdxNavBarLinkViewInfo,TdxNavBarLinkViewInfo) Returns the index the dragged link will have if it is dropped. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
GetViewInfoAtDragPositionWhenIconView(TPoint,TdxNavBarGroupViewInfo,TdxNavBarLinkViewInfo,TdxNavBarLinkViewInfo) Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HeaderAlphaBlend Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HeaderAlphaBlend2 Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HeaderBackColor Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HeaderBackColor2 Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HeaderDrawEdgeFlag Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HeaderFont Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HeaderFontColor Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HeaderGradientMode Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HeaderHAlignment Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HeaderImage Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HeaderVAlignment Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HintAlphaBlend Returns the starting alpha component of the hint’s background. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HintAlphaBlend2 Returns the ending alpha component of the hint’s background. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HintBackColor Returns the starting background color of the hint. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HintBackColor2 Returns the ending background color of the hint. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HintFont Returns the font settings applied to the hint text. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HintGradientMode Returns the direction of the gradient that fills the hint background. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
HintImage Returns the background image assigned to the hint. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
IndexOfGroupViewInfo(TdxNavBarGroupViewInfo) Returns the index of the group by its ViewInfo information. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
IsBottomScrollButtonVisible Returns a value indicating whether the bottom scroll button is visible. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
IsGroupActive(TdxNavBarGroup) Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
IsPtBottomScrollButton(TPoint) Returns a value indicating whether the specified point is in the bottom scroll button‘s area. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
IsPtGroupDesignRect(TPoint) Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
IsPtItemDesignRect(TPoint) Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
IsPtTopScrollButton(TPoint) Returns a value indicating whether the specified point is in the top scroll button‘s area. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
IsTopScrollButtonVisible Returns a value indicating whether the top scroll button is visible. Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
MakeGroupVisible(TdxNavBarGroup,Boolean,Boolean) Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
MakeLinkVisible(TdxNavBarItemLink,Boolean) Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
OverflowPanelAlphaBlend Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
OverflowPanelAlphaBlend2 Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
OverflowPanelBackColor Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
OverflowPanelBackColor2 Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
OverflowPanelFont Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
OverflowPanelFontColor Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
OverflowPanelGradientMode Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
OverflowPanelImage Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
SplitterAlphaBlend Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
SplitterAlphaBlend2 Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
SplitterBackColor Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
SplitterBackColor2 Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
SplitterGradientMode Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
TopScrollButtonAlphaBlend Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
TopScrollButtonAlphaBlend2 Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
TopScrollButtonBackColor Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
TopScrollButtonBackColor2 Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
TopScrollButtonGradientMode Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
TopScrollButtonImage Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
TopScrollButtonStyle Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
TopScrollButtonStyleItem Inherited from TdxNavBarViewInfo.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also