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TdxNavBarCommonBehaviorOptions.DragDropFlags Property

Specifies the behavior of the NavBar control related to drag & drop operations.


property DragDropFlags: TdxNavBarDragDropFlags read; write; default dxNavBarDefaultDragDropFlags;

Property Value

Type Default
TdxNavBarDragDropFlags dxNavBarDefaultDragDropFlags


Use this property to specify what elements in the NavBar control can be dragged and/or dropped. The property represents a set that can be constructed of values listed below.

Value Description
fAllowDragLink Indicates that NavBar links can be dragged.
fAllowDropLink Indicates that NavBar links can be dropped.
fAllowDragGroup Indicates that NavBar groups can be dragged.
fAllowDropGroup Indicates that NavBar groups can be dropped.

For more information regarding the drag & drop functionality of the NavBar control, please refer to the Internal and External Drag & Drop Operations help topic.

The default value of the DragDropFlags property is specified by the dxNavBarDefaultDragDropFlags global constant.

See Also