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TdxLayoutItemOptions Properties

Provides behavior settings for layout elements.
Name Description
AllowGroupWrapItems Specifies if the root layout group automatically wraps its child elements (causes them to be carried over to a new line on reaching its margin).
AllowQuickCustomize Specifies whether end-users can drag and drop layout elements without having to open the Customization Form.
AllowRename Specifies whether end-users can rename layout elements (customize their captions) in customization mode.
AutoControlAreaAlignment Specifies the manner in which linked controls are resized within standard layout items.
AutoControlTabOrders Specifies whether to automatically manage the tab order of controls within the layout control.
Control Returns a layout control. Inherited from TdxLayoutControlPersistent.
FocusControlOnItemCaptionClick Specifies whether the control linked to a standard layout item can be focused on the item’s caption click.
HyperlinkColor Specifies the color of hyperlinks in layout item captions.
ShowHyperlinkHint Specifies if a hyperlink in a layout item caption displays the target URI in a hint when the mouse pointer hovers over the hyperlink.
ShowLockedGroupChildren Specifies whether the locked group‘s children are visible in the Customization Form‘s Layout Tree View pane.
SizableHorz Specifies whether layout elements can be resized horizontally.
SizableVert Specifies whether layout elements can be resized vertically.
See Also