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TdxGaugeCustomDigitalScale.Value Property

Specifies the string displayed by the unbound digital scale.


property Value: string read; write;

Property Value



The Value property is published by the TdxGaugeDigitalScale class, implementing the unbound digital scale. The TdxGaugeDBDigitalScale class publishes the DataBinding property instead.

Use the Value property to assign an inscription displayed by the unbound digital scale. The number of characters presented by a digital scale is determined by the OptionsView.DigitCount property. The relative spacing between character display blocks (sections) is specified by the OptionsView.DigitSpacingFactor property. The actual list of characters which can be displayed by digital scales depends on the OptionsView.DisplayMode property value.

Additionally, you can use the OptionsView.DigitSpacingFactor property to set a custom relative spacing between individual characters of the Value string.


The sdmMatrix5x8Dots, sdmMatrix5x8Squares, sdmMatrix8x14Dots, and sdmMatrix8x14Squares character display modes support all Unicode characters and are recommended for localized applications.

See Also