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TdxGanttControlTaskLinkEvent Type

Performs a set of actions during a task dependency create operation (with the mouse) in the chart.


TdxGanttControlTaskLinkEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ATask: TdxGanttControlTask; ALinkedTask: TdxGanttControlTask; var AAccept: Boolean) of object;


Name Type Description
Sender TObject

The Chart View that raised the event.

ATask TdxGanttControlTask

The predecessor task for ALinkedTask.

ALinkedTask TdxGanttControlTask

The ATask‘s successor task.

AAccept Boolean

Specifies if the event handler accepts or declines a dependency create operation in response to a mouse drag-and-drop action.


You can open the Features Demo and modify its code. Handle the OnTaskLink event and use the following code snippet to allow a user to link a task with any task except for a summary task:

procedure TFeaturesDemoMainForm.GanttControlViewChartTaskLink(Sender: TObject; ATask,
  ALinkedTask: TdxGanttControlTask; var AAccept: Boolean);
  AAccept := not ALinkedTask.Summary;
See Also