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TdxGanttControlTaskEndLinkEvent Type

Performs a set of actions after tasks were linked with a dependency created by a mouse drag-and-drop operation.


TdxGanttControlTaskEndLinkEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; APredecessorLink: TdxGanttControlTaskPredecessorLink) of object;


Name Type Description
Sender TObject

The Chart View that raised the event.

APredecessorLink TdxGanttControlTaskPredecessorLink

The newly created dependency.


You can open the Features Demo and modify its code. Handle the OnTaskEndLink event and use the following code snippet to display the message that one task is the predecessor for another task:

procedure TFeaturesDemoMainForm.GanttControlViewChartTaskEndLink(Sender: TObject;
  APredecessorLink: TdxGanttControlTaskPredecessorLink);
    ShowMessage('The ''' + GanttControl.DataModel.Tasks.GetItemByUID(APredecessorLink.PredecessorUID).Name + ''' task is now the predecessor of the ''' + APredecessorLink.Task.Name + ''' task');
See Also