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TdxGanttControlTaskResizeEvent Type

Performs a set of actions during a task size change with the mouse.


TdxGanttControlTaskResizeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ATask: TdxGanttControlTask; ANewFinish: TDateTime; var AAccept: Boolean) of object;


Name Type Description
Sender TObject

The Chart View that raised the event.

ATask TdxGanttControlTask

A task that a user resizes.

ANewFinish TDateTime

ATask‘s new finish date.

AAccept Boolean

Specifies if the event handler accepts or declines the task resize operation in response to a mouse drag-and-drop action.


You can open the Features Demo and modify its code. Handle the OnTaskResize event and use the following code snippet that prevents users from decreasing a task duration to zero days:

procedure TFeaturesDemoMainForm.GanttControlViewChartTaskResize(Sender: TObject; ATask: TdxGanttControlTask; ANewFinish: TDateTime; var AAccept: Boolean);
  AAccept := ANewFinish - ATask.Start > 0;
See Also