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TdxTabContainerZone Methods

Available only for tab containers and dock panels residing within them.

Docking Functionality

Controls dropped onto the zone are added to the tab container.

Resizing Functionality

Not available.


Occupies the entire client area of the owner control.

Name Description
CanDock(TdxCustomDockControl) Returns a value indicating whether the specified control can be docked to the zone. Inherited from TdxZone.
CanResize(TPoint,TPoint) Returns a value indicating whether the specified resizing operation can be performed. Inherited from TdxZone.
Clone Inherited from TdxZone.
DoCanResize(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TdxZone.
DoDock(TdxCustomDockControl) Inherited from TdxZone.
DoResize(TPoint,TPoint) Inherited from TdxZone.
DrawResizingSelection(HDC,TPoint) Inherited from TdxZone.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetDockingSelection(TdxCustomDockControl) Returns the bounding rectangle of the docking frame indicating the specified control’s position if it is docked to this zone. Inherited from TdxZone.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetResizingSelection(TPoint) Returns the bounding rectangle of a dock control’s resizing bar. Inherited from TdxZone.
IsZonePoint(TPoint) Returns a value indicating whether the specified point is within the zone. Inherited from TdxZone.
PrepareSelectionRegion(TcxRegion,TdxCustomDockControl,TRect) Inherited from TdxZone.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
ValidateDockZone(TdxCustomDockControl,TdxCustomDockControl) Returns a value indicating whether a zone of this type should be added to the control’s dock zones list. Inherited from TdxZone.
ValidateResizeZone(TdxCustomDockControl,TdxCustomDockControl) Returns a value indicating whether a resize zone of this type should be added to the specified control’s resize zones list. Inherited from TdxZone.
See Also