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TdxTileControlOptionsView Properties

Stores the tile item and group appearance settings.
Name Description
CenterContentHorz Specifies a value indicating whether the main page content is centered horizontally in the tile control.
CenterContentVert Specifies a value indicating whether the main page content is centered vertically in the tile control.
FixedIndentHorz Specifies a value indicating whether the left and right margins are applied to the control’s content regardless of its horizontal scrolling position.
FixedIndentVert Specifies a value indicating whether the top and bottom margins are applied to the control’s content regardless of its vertical scrolling position.
GroupBlockMaxColumnCount Specifies the maximum number of columns that a logical block of regular tile items occupies in tile groups.
GroupIndent Specifies the space between visible tile groups, in pixels.
GroupLayout Specifies a tile control’s group layout.
GroupMaxRowCount Specifies the maximum number of rows across which tile items are arranged in tile groups.
IndentHorz Specifies the space (in pixels) between the content of a tile control and its left and right edges.
IndentVert Specifies the space (in pixels) between visible tile groups and the top and bottom edges of a tile control.
ItemHeight Specifies the absolute height (in pixels) of a regular tile or tile bar item.
ItemIndent Specifies the horizontal and vertical distances (in pixels) between individual tile items within a group.
ItemWidth Specifies a regular tile item’s width (in pixels).
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
See Also