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TdxTileControlOptionsView.FixedIndentVert Property

Specifies a value indicating whether the top and bottom margins are applied to the control’s content regardless of its vertical scrolling position.


property FixedIndentVert: Boolean read; write;

Property Value



If this property is set to True, the top and bottom margins whose absolute size (in pixels) is specified by the IndentVert property, are applied to the control’s view area, and, therefore displayed regardless of the content’s size and scrolling position. Otherwise, the horizontal margins are applied to the control’s client area. As a result, the top and bottom margins are displayed only in the top and bottom terminal scrolling positions, respectively.


The FixedIndentVert property has no visual effect on the visible content that fits the tile control’s view area vertically.

The default values of the FixedIndentVert property for the tile and tile bar controls are False and True, respectively.

See Also