TdxCustomTileControl.OnItemDragBegin Event
Enables you to prohibit end-users from moving tile items using drag and drop.
property OnItemDragBegin: TdxTileControlItemDragBeginEvent read; write;
The Sender parameter references the tile control.
The AInfo parameter contains references to the tile item located under the mouse pointer (AInfo.Item) and the group within which this item currently resides (AInfo.SourceGroup). If one or more tile items are checked in the tile control, the drag-and-drop operation is applied to them. In this instance, only the tile item referenced by the AInfo.Item is shown during the operation, while the total number of tile items affected is indicated in the item’s top-right corner.
Pass False as the AAllow parameter to prohibit performing a drag-and-drop operation with these items. Otherwise, a drag-and-drop operation starts and the OnItemDragOver and OnItemDragEnd events are then fired allowing you to track its progress.
Set the tile control’s OptionsBehavior.ItemMoving property to True to enable drag-and-drop operations with tile items.