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TdxCustomTileControl.OnGroupDragBegin Event

Enables you to forbid end-users to drag-and-drop specific tile groups within the control.


property OnGroupDragBegin: TdxTileControlGroupDragBeginEvent read; write;


This event occurs every time an end-user starts dragging a tile group. You can assign False to the AAllow parameter within the OnGroupDragBegin event handler to prevent an end-user from dragging all or only specific groups within the control. For instance, you can allow end-users to drag only the top or leftmost group, depending on the OptionsView.GroupLayout property value:

procedure TMyForm.dxTileControl1GroupDragBegin(Sender: TdxCustomTileControl; AInfo: TdxTileControlDragGroupInfo; var AAllow: Boolean);
  if AInfo.BeginIndex <> 0 then  // If the dragged group is not the first...
    AAllow := False;  // Forbids an end-user to drop a group here

Refer to the TdxTileControlGroupDragBeginEvent procedural type description for detailed information on all parameters accessible within an OnGroupDragBegin event handler.

See Also