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TdxBar Properties

A toolbar component.
Name Description
AllowClose Specifies whether an end-user can hide a toolbar.
AllowCustomizing Specifies whether the current toolbar has general customization capabilities.
AllowQuickCustomizing Specifies whether the current toolbar has the quick customization capability.
AllowReset Specifies whether a toolbar can be restored by end-users.
AlphaBlendValue Specifies the opacity of the current toolbar when it floats.
BackgroundBitmap Specifies the image used as the current toolbar’s background.
BarManager Provides access to the bar manager which the current toolbar belongs to.
Bars Provides access to the TdxBars object to which a given toolbar belongs.
BorderStyle Determines the appearance style of the current toolbar’s borders.
Caption Specifies the text string that identifies a toolbar to an end-user.
CaptionButtons Provides access to a collection of toolbar title buttons.
Collection Specifies the collection containing the current element. Inherited from TcxComponentCollectionItem.
Color Specifies the current toolbar’s background color.
ComObject Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentCount Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentIndex Inherited from TComponent.
Components Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentState Inherited from TComponent.
ComponentStyle Inherited from TComponent.
Control Returns the bar control which corresponds to the current toolbar.
DesignInfo Inherited from TComponent.
DisplayName Specifies the collection item’s name displayed in the collection editor. Inherited from TcxComponentCollectionItem.
DockControl Specifies the external dock control to which the current toolbar is placed.
DockedDockControl Specifies the external dock control to which the current toolbar was previously docked.
DockedDockingStyle Specifies the docking style for the current toolbar’s previous position.
DockedLeft Specifies the left coordinate of a docked toolbar.
DockedTop Specifies the top coordinate of a docked toolbar.
DockingStyle Specifies toolbar UI layout.
DockRow Specifies the row that the current toolbar is docked to.
FloatClientHeight Specifies the height of a floating toolbar.
FloatClientWidth Specifies the width of a floating toolbar.
FloatLeft Determines the left coordinate of a floating toolbar.
FloatTop Determines the top coordinate of a floating toolbar.
Font Specifies the item’s font settings.
Glyph Specifies the icon that is displayed within a collapsed Ribbon tab group bound to the current toolbar.
Hidden Determines the visibility state of the current toolbar in the toolbars list.
ID Gets the unique identifier of the current collection element. Inherited from TcxComponentCollectionItem.
Images Specifies an image list that contains images for standard size (16 by 16 pixels) bar item controls or enlarged standard size buttons, located on the toolbar.
Index Specifies the zero-based index of the current element in the collection. Inherited from TcxComponentCollectionItem.
IsMainMenu Determines whether the current toolbar is the main menu.
IsPredefined Determines whether a toolbar was created by an end-user or was defined programmatically.
ItemLinks Specifies links to items whose item controls are placed on the current toolbar.
KeyTip Specifies a KeyTip for the current toolbar.
LockUpdate Toggles the updating of the current bar.
MultiLine Specifies whether items can be placed across several lines within the current toolbar.
Name Inherited from TComponent.
NotDocking Specifies toolbar location restrictions.
Observers Inherited from TComponent.
OldName Specifies the current toolbar’s name that is to be used when searching for a toolbar by its name.
OneOnRow Determines whether the current toolbar is the only toolbar within the dock control’s row.
Owner Inherited from TComponent.
RealDockControl Provides access to the dock control onto which the current toolbar is placed.
RotateWhenVertical Specifies the drawing style of a docked toolbar.
Row Specifies the row on which the current toolbar is located.
ShowMark Specifies whether to display the ‘additional buttons’ symbol.
SizeGrip Specifies whether to display a sizing grip at the current toolbar’s bottom-right corner.
Tag Inherited from TComponent.
UseOwnFont Specifies the font settings used to draw controls on the current toolbar.
UseRecentItems Specifies whether the current toolbar displays the most frequently used controls first.
UseRestSpace Specifies if the toolbar occupies an entire form by width.
VCLComObject Inherited from TComponent.
Visible Specifies whether the current toolbar is visible.
WholeRow Specifies how the current toolbar is drawn on the row.
See Also