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TcxTreeListSummary.GroupFooterSummaryTexts Property

Provides access to the display values of group summaries calculated for a specified node.


property GroupFooterSummaryTexts[ASummaryItem: TcxTreeListSummaryItem; ANode: TcxTreeListNode]: string read;

Property Value



The ASummaryItem parameter identifies the group summary whose display value is to be obtained. To access a certain group summary within the TreeList control, use the GroupFooterSummaryItems collection.

The ANode parameter identifies the node for which the group summary is calculated.

To obtain the value corresponding to a group summary, use the GroupFooterSummaryValues collection.


By default, the GroupFooterSummaryTexts property value represents the summary value formatted according to the Kind and Format properties. To provide custom display text for summary values, handle the summary’s OnGetText event.

See Also