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TcxTreeListOptionsView.BandLineHeight Property

Specifies the line height of the band header panel, in pixels.


property BandLineHeight: Integer read; write; default 0;

Property Value

Type Default
Integer 0


Use this property to customize the band header panel’s height. If the BandLineHeight property is set to 0, the height is calculated automatically, based on the minimum height required to display a single line of text within a band header.

The following table shows the effects of two custom BandLineHeight property values on the band header appearance:

Value Example

The BandLineHeight property automatically updates by multiplying its current value by the form’s scaling factor every time it changes at design-time or runtime.

Set both the TreeList control’s OptionsCustomizing.BandVertSizing property and the band’s Options.VertSizing property to True to allow end-users to adjust the band header height by dragging the header’s bottom edge.

The default value of the BandLineHeight property is 0.

See Also