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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TcxTreeListColumn.SortOrder Property

Specifies the sort order of the column’s values.


property SortOrder: TcxDataSortOrder read; write; default soNone;

#Property Value

Type Default
TcxDataSortOrder soNone


Refer to the TcxDataSortOrder type description, to learn about available sorting options.

To provide custom sorting logic for nodes, handle the TreeList control’s OnCompare event.


To allow sorting nodes by multiple columns, set the TreeList control’s OptionsBehavior.MultiSort property to True. In this instance, assigning a value other than soNone to the SortOrder property automatically appends the column to the SortedColumns collection, and sets the column’s SortIndex property. If the OptionsBehavior.MultiSort property is set to False, the SortedColumns collection is cleared before the column is added to it.

The default value of the SortOrder property is soNone.

See Also