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TcxTreeListCaption Properties

Represents a class that allows you to define settings of a band or a column caption.
Name Description
AlignHorz Specifies the horizontal alignment of the caption’s text.
AlignVert Specifies the vertical alignment of the caption’s text.
Glyph Defines the image displayed within the caption.
GlyphAlignHorz Specifies the horizontal alignment of the image displayed within the caption.
GlyphAlignVert Specifies the vertical alignment of the image displayed within the caption.
MultiLine Specifies whether the caption’s text can be displayed in several lines.
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
ShowEndEllipsis Specifies whether an end ellipsis is displayed when the caption’s width is insufficient to display its entire text.
Text Defines the caption text.
See Also